Strong men 

  • To stay middle-aged men still strong and active! 
  • Product specifically developed for men's energy, performance, endurance and vitality! 

Supplement contains mixture of active substances that in long-term usage ensure physical and mental vitality, endurance, normal levels of testosterone, quality of sperms and enhanced immunity. For every active men! 

pict-NO-WATER-NEEDPICT-VIT-B6vitamin b12Zinekselen

​​​​​​​​​​​​Product description:

  • Highly effective support of men's health and performance thanks to standardized strong extracts and other active ingredients 

  • Support men's vitality, energy and endurance  

  • In form of orally soluble powder natural aroma 

  • Vegan, no added sugar, no colour 

  • Practical packaging suitable for travel, ready-to-go 

  • In case of sticks no water need Strong Men_1

Key ingredients



Selen je jedním z prvků zařazených do skupiny stopových prvků, které jsou nepostradatelné pro řádné fungování organizmu. Selen se podílí na ochraně buněk proti volným radikálům, v detoxikaci těžkých kovů, regulaci imunitního a reprodukčního systému a dále zajišťuje řádné fungování štítné žlázy. Účinnost vstřebávání selenu do organizmu je vysoce závislá na jeho formě – proto jsme vybrali selen organicky vázaný na kvasnice, který vykazuje výbornou vstřebatelnost.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12



Amino acids

Amino acids



Ginseng promotes sexual health and erection by decreasing oxidative stress in tissues and enhacing blood flow.



Guarana is a source of caffeine and is effective to promote mental vitality and energy.

Black peper

Black peper

Black pepper is antioxidant with a positive effect on a circulation of blood

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in many bodily functions, including the metabolism of amino acids and the production of neurotransmitters. Vitamin B6 supports energy and serotonin production (neurotransmitter associated with good mood and supports brain health), reduces in the severity and frequency of hot flashes in menopausal women, helps improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.

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