Inulin / Inulin lemon Prášek

A dietary supplement developed specifically to support children's immunity.
Essential nutrients in kids-friendly form
The combination of a sufficient amount of vitamin C and zinc supports the immune system not only in the first line of defense on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, but in the whole organism.
Adequate intake of vitamin C and zinc is important for the child's body for many other reasons:
Zinc and vitamin C contribute to the normal function of the immune system (even after intense physical exercise).
Both active substances are synergistically supplemented by vitamin D, the importance of which increases mainly with the arrival of autumn and winter.
However, many children in Central Europe suffer from a deficiency throughout the year, so ensuring that they receive a sufficient intake is a key issue for the health of the immune system.
Vitamin D je nepostradatelný pro správné fungování imunitního systému. Je také důležitý pro normální vstřebávání a využití vápníku a fosforu k udržení normálního stavu kostí, zubů a svalů.