Beauty hair complex

A unique combination of 14 active substances nourishing hair, nails and skin. 
Nutrition from the inside, beauty from the outside. 
The strength of the hair and nails reflects the state of health of the whole organism. The whole equation beauty = health does not apply both sides.
If we wish to have beautiful hair, firm nails and radiant skin, it is not enough to just treat them with cosmetic products from the outside. 

pict-SOLUBLE-IN-WATER  ​​​​​​​beauty

Product description:

We recommend the Beauty hair complex mainly for problems caused by a lack of essential nutrients: 

  • With deteriorating nail hair quality, the tendency to dry and brittle
  • With slow hair and nail growth 
  • When creating white spots on the nails 
  • With a tendency to dry and itchy skin 
  • For women with a vegetarian or vegan diet 

In addition, it helps immunity, nerves and metabolism

Kopie návrhu Standardized Curcuma longa extract (95% of curcumin and other cucuminoids)aktivní látyk BHC IIIPackaking_BHCIIIKey ingredients

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